Artist Interviews

Are you an artist who works with fantasy books? I would love to feature you on my blog and social media!

In an attempt to be true to my readers and what they’re looking for, please avoid submitting erotic/super-spicy art to feature, but if you have other work along with that, that’s okay.

Please answer as many questions as you want. The only required ones pertain to your contact information and your current artwork to highlight. Rebecca M. Krogman will follow up with you directly for additional imagery and an artist photo, as needed.

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What tropes/keywords does your current book or series feature? Check up to 10 that best define your work.
Please share full URLs here and below to help people find you.

NOTE: If you have any trouble with the “Submit” button (spinning but not telling you a message indicating success), please print this page to a PDF and send it to me via DM. Sorry for the inconvenience! Sometimes the server gets bogged down.