Ready for final editing

Sundering has gone through beta readers and is now ready for a professional edit.

That said, I’m crazy nervous for this one! The stories in Liberation have intertwined into a tight braid, but even at the end of Sundering not everything is revealed. I give you some new characters, a new ship, and new places to explore, but I still don’t answer several key questions about HOW and WHY. You’re just going to have to wait until Schism!

Anyways, Sundering will be edited by someone with a keen eye for both story strength and grammatical errors, and then I’ll be looking for Advance Readers to join my ARC team! If you’re interested, please note that you must read Liberation first, as it is a series. You can apply for the ARC on my website or on StoryOrigin. ARCs should be ready by March or April.

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